Requirements and bases for publication in the UAA
1. Guidelines for the author:
- Preferably be a research professor at the middle and upper level of the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes.
- Submit a letter signed by the Dean of the Academic Center to which he/she belongs, approving the content of the proposal.
- Preferably have funding from their Academic Center.
- Fill out the corresponding forms.
2. Guidelines for the work:
- To have a table of contents, presentation or introduction, corresponding chapters and bibliography.
- A work already published by the university and out of print may be submitted.
- If the proposed work includes reproductions of material already published, indicate the respective credits and present the permissions for its reproduction.
- In the case of teaching support books, they must be in accordance with the current academic programs and cover at least 90% of the requirements of the subject. This must be clarified in the letter signed by the Dean of the Academic Center.
- Texts resulting from research and/or master's or doctoral theses must have been subjected to stylistic treatment by the author to convert the academic document into a popular text. Submit letter of release of graduate thesis or proof of completion of research, with signature of the General Director of Research and Graduate Studies.
- Submit the electronic file in USB, observing the following recommendations:
- Capture in Times or Arial font in 12 point, upper and lower case, single and half spaced.
- Place folio from the first to the last page.
- Begin each chapter on a separate sheet.
- Use only one reference system, trying to adhere to the most recent version of the chosen system (Chicago, APA, etc.).
- Make sure that each citation has a complete footnote.
- Make sure that each citation has its bibliographic reference and is delimited by quotation marks.
- Make sure that you are not omitting the corresponding reference when necessary.
- Make sure that the bibliography has all the data complete and in correct order.
- Submit files in consecutive order.
- Use one file per chapter.
- Assign chapter names to the files.
- Capture in Word word processor for PC or Macintosh (Word).
- If you make drawings in application programs, do it in separate files from the text and in high resolution TIFF format.
- Avoid using editing programs for your manuscript.
- Make a record of everything you submit and be sure to keep a backup copy on your computer.
3. Guidelines:
- The Editorial Department will publish the call for book proposals in January of each year, through the institutional electronic media.
- All proposals will be delivered personally to the Editorial Department at the offices of the General Directorate of Dissemination and Liaison.
- In case the work is submitted by a coordinator or director, he/she must submit a letter in which his/her fellow authors recognize him/her as such.
- Once approved by the Editorial Commission, the text will be included in the editorial program of the year of publication of the call.
- The texts will be submitted to the following evaluations: :
- Editorial Commission.
- Internal revision by means of software to verify originality, the maximum percentage of similarity to be accepted the proposal is 20% and the author will be asked to revise to reduce this percentage as much as possible. If the percentage is between 20% and 35%, the author will be asked to make the pertinent revisions and corrections. If the percentage is higher than 35% the proposal will be rejected.
- External review by a specialist in the subject, double blind. The identity of the reviewers will not be revealed to the author, nor will they know the author's name. The result of the review will be made known personally and exclusively to the author. The author must comply with the observations made by the reviewers and make the pertinent corrections within a period of no more than four weeks.
- The author will sign a publishing contract with the UAA (if he/she is an external author) and/or a letter of assignment of rights to the institution so that the Editorial Department can carry out the corresponding procedures for the assignment and verification of ISBN and registration of the work before INDAUTOR. In this letter, the author must also state that the text is original and unpublished.
- In accordance with the General Guidelines for Editorial Production, the graphic characteristics of the work for the various outputs (digital and/or printed), the print run of the printed version and price will be determined by the University, always in accordance with the subject in which it will serve as support (when applicable) and trying to make it affordable for the student and the university community.
- The author will participate in the promotion of his/her book through presentations, interviews and other events organized by the university.
- Proposals that have received editorial treatment and only require ISBN assignment will not be accepted.
- The submission of the proposal implies acceptance of the conditions set forth in the call for proposals.