Dictionary, Veterinary Medicine, Medical terms, Veterinary clinic, Domestic animalsSynopsis
For 28 years, Dr. Quezada Tristán, from the Center of Agricultural Sciences of the UAA, compiled multiple medical terms classified by apparatus and body system, which should be considered during a clinical examination. Thus, in his own words, his intention is: “to leave a document that will professionalize veterinarians and allow them to give a better image of the application of veterinary medicine”.
The compilation of medical terms for the creation of this work is of great value, in addition to his constant support and performance as an academic, researcher and colleague of veterinarians who now have in their hands a tool to describe the pathologies that we observe, palpate, auscultate, percute and check with complementary studies.
This work gives the opportunity to speak the same language to safely describe the clinical signs that this dictionary addresses in its chapters, as it has its etymology and current aspects to include oncology, behavior, genetics and ophthalmology. These are areas of daily consultation in the different clinics, hospitals and farms; places where good veterinary practice is done.
The dictionary of veterinary medical terms presented here is designed to provide colleagues in this branch of medicine, health professionals, students and people in general, the necessary information about veterinary medical terms to describe the signs that can be found during the application of a clinical examination to patients. In addition, this dictionary will be very useful to support in subjects of the curricula of schools and faculties of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, from propaedeutic to curricular.
Its content focuses on words that describe signs, symptoms and syndromes, being the root of these the basis for creating a medical term that helps to describe the disease suffered by the patient. The terms are listed in alphabetical order, with their etymological root and description.
The terms compiled in this dictionary are of great interest and usefulness for each area of veterinary medicine and were organized according to the apparatus and system of living beings: integumentary system, digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system, lymphatic system, reproductive system, urinary system, locomotor system, nervous system, and ophthalmology.
This dictionary was then divided into easily accessible sections that favor the creation of a valuable clinical record for all animal species, with the greatest amount of updated information in areas such as oncology, ophthalmology, genetics and immunology, which was not previously applied and which today serves to provide a more accurate diagnosis to patients.


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