
Jorge Rafael Barojas Weber


This work refers to love in life, for life, and of life. It is far from being a treatise on such a complex topic, about which much has been written. As a reference, it is worth mentioning The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm and Eros and Civilization by Herbert Marcuse.
It is neither about biosophy (the wisdom about the truths of life) nor much less about biology (the study of the characteristics of living beings). It is called Biophilic Prolegomena for the following reasons.
The word prolegomenon means preamble and in Greek means to announce in advance. Thus, the Dictionary of Spanish Use by María Moliner, in its 1992 edition, derives it from prologue (discourse) and indicates that it is an "introduction that precedes a treatise, with the foundations of the subject" and that "it is sometimes applied to an elementary treatise on a certain subject." In the author's words, thirty years ago he came up with the term biophilia as the appropriate one to indicate love of life, rather than "attachment or friendship to life," thinking that it was little known and used. However, he noted, thanks to his teacher and friend Luis Estrada, that in the works of Edward O. Wilson, since 1979, he had already used the term in question.
From the author's perspective, biophilia is a whole cognitive and emotional building that involves resource economy, efficient organization, well-understood evolution, correctly assimilated information, integrated learning, convincing cooperation, organic and cultural diversity, fraternity, and personal fulfillment, collective wisdom, poetry, and respect for life. These writings are the result of a personal exercise of feeling and communicating biophilia, as a fraternal experience, creative reflection, and committed participation.
Thus, the work contains stories that aim to motivate and develop the biophilic feeling. They are the result of fraternal experiences, creative reflections, and committed participations. It consists of four sections: Biophilic Processes, Searches and Learnings, Literary Manifestations, and Biophilic Consequences. The illustrations at the beginning of each section and the cover are reproductions of paintings and murals by Daniel Alberto Barojas Blaisten.

portada prolegómenos biofílicos



March 21, 2024
