Receipt of documents at the Editorial Department
- Submit to the Editorial Department, a letter addressed to the Editorial Committee, indicating the general data of the work and whether or not it has financial support from any special item. This letter must be signed by the Dean of the Academic Center to which the author is assigned.
- Submit the electronic file in USB, observing the following recommendations:
- Capture in Arial or Times font in 12 points.
- Capture in upper and lower case.
- Type in space and a half.
- Note the folio from the first to the last page.
- Use a new page each time you begin a chapter.
- Assign all graphics their number, text, caption and credit.
- Make sure each callout has a complete footnote.
- Make sure that each citation has its bibliographic reference and is delimited by quotation marks.
- Make sure that the bibliography has all the data complete and in the order in which it was recommended.
- Make sure that only one referencing system is used throughout the document, trying to adhere to the most recent version of the chosen system (Chicago, APA, etc.).
- Make a list of everything you submit.
- Use one file per chapter. Submit files in consecutive order.
- If you make drawings in application programs, do it in separate files from the text. Preferably, save these files in high resolution and TIF format.
- In a separate folder include graphics and photos in high resolution (300 dpi). The same for tables or charts.
- Assign the files names allusive to your chapter beginning with a number (e.g.: 1. Introduction. Chapter I. Background, 3. Preliminary Notions..., etc.).
- Type in Word word processor.
- Do not use editing programs for your manuscript (InDesign or any other).
- Keep a copy or backup of everything you submit on your computer.
- Your proposal will undergo the following review processes:
- A review of originality by specialized software. In case the result of similarity is greater than 20%, it will be returned to you so that you can make the necessary corrections. If the percentage is higher than 30%, it will be definitively rejected.
- It will be submitted to the Editorial Committee for approval within the annual editorial program.
- It will be submitted for external review in double-blind mode. At this point, you will also be asked to submit the original anonymous Word file.