The collection of texts in this book offers a personal introspection into our lives, exploring how the act of sharing and examining our memories has allowed us to articulate our individual and collective identities within a diverse local community. These narratives reveal that we are both unified and unique, and that our diversity is as valid and integral to our community as any other. By sharing these personal stories, we aim to showcase the multifaceted nature of our families, women, masculinities, and traditions, revealing the rich tapestry of contemporary Aguascalientes.
By way of introduction
A body of one’s own
Waiting and actionAn autoethnographic account as a performance festival attendee
Building my masculinity
A song brought me here
Lace and yarn: I am me, I am my grandmothers, I am all
Resignifying love
The living and I
Searching for a prince (or an excuse to get to know oneself)
Partner ChoiceAn autoethnographic approach
Homosexuality, body and danceMy path
The contribution of physical theater to the Aguascalientes theatrical arts scene

November 13, 2020
Copyright (c) 2020 Silvia Marcela Bénard Calva; María Magdalena Aranda Delgado, Arely Becerra Poblano, Blanca Berenice Cortés Campos, Xicoténcatl Domínguez Cornejo, Sarymer Echeverría Muñoz, Franca Félix, Daniel López Romo, María de la Luz Luévano Martínez, Francisco Javier Ponce Orozco, Omar Zermeño Rodríguez, Silvia Susana Gutiérrez Macías, Leslie Jui González

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.