
Rubén Macías Acosta (ed)
Manuel Díaz Flores (ed)
Roussell Li-erth Toraya Pedroza (ed)


Economic outlook, Social panorama, Aguascalientes, Social development, Employment, Construction sector, COVID-19, Corruption perception


Currently, the economic and social conditions in the world have suffered great affectations, establishing new challenges originated by the physical, emotional, social and economic deterioration generated by the COVID-19 global health emergency, being relevant to keep focused on understanding the citizens in terms of social and economic development. This with the purpose of investigating and proposing solutions oriented to the reduction of inequality in the population, attending to the polarization generated by the current economic model that demands the incorporation of public policies oriented to the reconstruction of the social fabric.

This work begins by presenting the context of the poverty situation at the national level and in Aguascalientes, then, the evolution of social deprivation is presented, establishing a more in-depth explanation of the subject. Likewise, a study on the export sector in relation to employment in Aguascalientes is established, derived from its relevance for being the economic activity of dragging for the economic growth in the state, using the Base Model Exporting with the purpose of measuring the variations of the sector in local employment.

Next, a study of the construction sector is established, considering public and private works as a detonator of the economic growth of the regions, analyzing its tendencies by means of the use of an econometric model of ordinary least squares, showing the relevance of the construction sector forecast in the regional economic development. Finally, it concludes by studying the perception of corruption in Mexico, through a longitudinal study of its most important variables, being interesting to study its relationship with citizen confidence in institutions and with foreign direct investment.

This work is a product of the research project "PIEA22-15 Valuation of export employment in the economic growth of Aguascalientes from the economic, tax and administrative perspective" authorized by the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. The valuable support of the institution is gratefully acknowledged.


  • Introduction
  • Transformation of social development in Mexico and the state of Aguascalientes
    Rubén Macías Acosta, Lisandro José Alvarado Peña
  • Employment outlook in the municipality of Aguascalientes
    Rubén Macías Acosta, Manuel Díaz Flores, Roberto González Acolt
  • Trends and challenges in the Mexican construction sector after the COVID-19 pandemic
    Roussell Li-erth Toraya Pedroza
  • Impact of COVID-19 on the perception of corruption in Mexico
    Ana Cristina Dávila Peña
  • General conclusions

Author Biographies

Rubén Macías Acosta, Coordinator

D. in Government and Public Administration. Professor-Researcher. Head of the Economics Department. Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. Member of the National System of Researchers in Mexico.

Manuel Díaz Flores, Coordinator

D. in Social Sciences. Professor-Researcher. Department of Economics. Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. Member of the National System of Researchers.

Roussell Li-erth Toraya Pedroza, Coordinator

D. in Sociocultural Studies. Professor-Researcher. Department of Economics. Autonomous University of Aguascalientes.

Roberto González Acolt

D. in Economics. Professor-Researcher. Department of Economics. Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. Member of the National System of Researchers.

Lisandro José Alvarado Peña

D. in Social Sciences with mention in Management. Professor-researcher. University of Zulia.

Ana Cristina Dávila Peña

D. in Criminal Law. Professor-researcher. Universidad Cuauhtémoc Aguascalientes and Escuela Bancaria y Comercial campus Aguascalientes.

portada panorama económico y social



January 13, 2025


Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Co-publisher's ISBN-13 (24)
