OPEN SCIENCE IN ACADEMIC PUBLISHING: Ibero-American journals as a frame of reference
This work contains some of the papers accepted for presentation at the 4th National and 2nd Ibero-American Congress of Scientific Journals (CNIRC), originally scheduled to take place at the facilities of the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes (UAA) from March 18 to 20, 2020, organized in conjunction with the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). At that time, and thanks to the efforts undertaken by the Editorial Department of the UAA, attached to the General Directorate of Dissemination and Linkage, individuals involved in the processes of editing scientific journals were invited, including not only editors or researchers but also knowledge disseminators, librarians, students, and collaborators of repositories or indexing systems of academic periodical publications, with the aim of bringing them together in an international event whose objective was to serve as a space for discussion and reflection on the challenges faced by research-producing institutions in light of the demands of Open Science and Open Access, as well as for proposing ideas and sharing experiences to improve the visibility of Ibero-American journals and their social impact.
Thus, the main goal of the Congress was to review the current ideology of Open Science in other regions to define action strategies that would empower the actors involved in its improvement, obviously starting from the detection of the strengths and weaknesses of the policies established in this regard. As if that weren't enough, this academic symposium also directed its efforts towards the aforementioned with another, more practical than theoretical intention, namely: to achieve the articulation of regional and national proposals that would help confront the past and future challenges hindering progress in the field of academic journal publishing, aiming to foster debate and analysis to contribute to international publications, taking into account the demands of contemporary society. Hence the title given to the meeting, which serves as the basis for the name of the book the reader receives: "The Editing of Ibero-American Academic Journals: A Framework for Open Science."
The topics included in the book revolve around at least five discursive axes according to the contents of each of the twenty chapters that can be read: 1) useful tools for improving the dissemination of what is published by scientific journals and increasing their quality; 2) relevance, results, and importance of multi- and interdisciplinary collaboration within institutions and/or groups in the editing of academic periodicals, specifically among repositories, libraries, administrative areas, editorial departments, research hubs, technical staff, and students; 3) particular experiences and challenges identified regarding the digitization of journals and the work of those responsible for them; 4) the state of governmental systems for scientific evaluation and their dialogue with academic editorial practice, as well as the internal arbitration processes within it and the proposal of solutions to avoid violations of research ethics in the reception of papers; and, finally, 5) copyright and its correspondence with appropriate Open Access to science.
The potential of semantic publishing in the context of dissemination and citation
The repositories of academic journals: considerations in their development under cooperation between editors and information professionals
Institutional collaborative exercise in the development of tools for Open Access journals
The experience of Mexican journals in the forestry field in the international context of the 21st century
Impact of the scientific journal Entreciencias in the democratization of knowledge: challenges and reflections
The utopia of the spiral.Center-periphery relations in the publishing world, experiences from the IEIPE journal
Analysis of the professionalization challenges of a scientific, electronic, Open Access, and recently created journal edited by a civil society: Transdigital
The editor of scientific journals in the indexing process in CLASE and PERIÓDICA
Open Science in Latin America from the perspective of social media analysis and metrics
Fraud in the sciences: for the strengthening of scientific journals (promoting attitudes, practices, and scientific communities)
Reflections and proposals from the editorial experience in academic journals of social sciences and humanities
Proposal for a collaborative work tool based on the analysis of copyright and Open Access policies: the case of the University of Guadalajara journals
The presence of social media in educational research journals
Empowerment and collaboration in editorial work: an analysis and intervention from the historical-cultural theory of activity
Challenges and prospects of digital tools for science communication: case study, the social media of scientific journals listed in the Index of Mexican Journals of Scientific and Technological Dissemination by CONACYT
Diagnosis and participation as resources in the teaching of writing and editing scientific articles
Editor-librarian. Methodological work proposal for a scientific and peer-reviewed journal
Methodological proposal for designing strategies in favor of the globalization of Mexican academic-scientific journals
Scientific communication under suspicion.How to analyze the process carried out by supposedly predatory journals?
Paraguayan scientific journals and Open Access from the perspective of their editors


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