OPEN SCIENCE IN ACADEMIC PUBLISHING: Ibero-American journals as a frame of reference


Eduardo Alvarez López; Layla Michán Aguirre; Saúl Armendáriz Sánchez; Minerva Castro Escamilla; Alejandra Casas Niño de Rivera; Deisy Alejandra Gómez Ascencio; Raymundo Dávalos Sotelo; Reyna Paula Zárate Morales; Javier de la Fuente Hernández; Adriana Martínez Martínez; Alondra Sangabriel Hernández; Andrés Delgadillo Sánchez; Patricia Margarita Aguilar Palomo; Lilia María Vázquez Jaime; Alexandro Escudero Nahón; Manuel Alejandro Flores Chávez; Pablo Daniel Aparicio de la Rosa; Patricia Garrido Villegas; Carlos Guerrero de Lizardi; César Enrique Jiménez Yáñez; Carlos Antonio Romero Ramírez; Mario Alberto Magaña Mancillas; Andrea López Mendoza; Armando Jesús Martínez Chacón; Juan Carlos Tejeda Smith; Karla Aguilar Pérez; Julio César Munguía Hernández; Ana Silvia Mota Velasco; Santa Margarita Pérez Arias; Beatriz Leal Rodríguez; José Carlos Palacios Montoya; Gubisha Ruiz Morán; Arneth Pérez Jaimes; José Guillermo Aguirre Calderón; Luis Reyes Muro; Iliana Orozco Hernández; Francisco Guevara Hernández; Luis A. Rodríguez Larramendi; Dora Ma. Sangerman Jarquín; Camelia Romero Millán; Rosalba Carrillo Fuentes; Helena Rivas López; Diana María Vidal Saldarriaga; Gabriela Ulloa García; Rocío Mayela Martínez González; Andrea Daniela Sánchez Pérez Cortés; Jesús Segarra Saavedra; Miguel Túñez López; Emilce Sena Correa; Alicia Duarte Caballero; Lucero Solís Ruiz Esparza, Prologue writer


This work contains some of the papers accepted for presentation at the 4th National and 2nd Ibero-American Congress of Scientific Journals (CNIRC), originally scheduled to take place at the facilities of the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes (UAA) from March 18 to 20, 2020, organized in conjunction with the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). At that time, and thanks to the efforts undertaken by the Editorial Department of the UAA, attached to the General Directorate of Dissemination and Linkage, individuals involved in the processes of editing scientific journals were invited, including not only editors or researchers but also knowledge disseminators, librarians, students, and collaborators of repositories or indexing systems of academic periodical publications, with the aim of bringing them together in an international event whose objective was to serve as a space for discussion and reflection on the challenges faced by research-producing institutions in light of the demands of Open Science and Open Access, as well as for proposing ideas and sharing experiences to improve the visibility of Ibero-American journals and their social impact.
Thus, the main goal of the Congress was to review the current ideology of Open Science in other regions to define action strategies that would empower the actors involved in its improvement, obviously starting from the detection of the strengths and weaknesses of the policies established in this regard. As if that weren't enough, this academic symposium also directed its efforts towards the aforementioned with another, more practical than theoretical intention, namely: to achieve the articulation of regional and national proposals that would help confront the past and future challenges hindering progress in the field of academic journal publishing, aiming to foster debate and analysis to contribute to international publications, taking into account the demands of contemporary society. Hence the title given to the meeting, which serves as the basis for the name of the book the reader receives: "The Editing of Ibero-American Academic Journals: A Framework for Open Science."

The topics included in the book revolve around at least five discursive axes according to the contents of each of the twenty chapters that can be read: 1) useful tools for improving the dissemination of what is published by scientific journals and increasing their quality; 2) relevance, results, and importance of multi- and interdisciplinary collaboration within institutions and/or groups in the editing of academic periodicals, specifically among repositories, libraries, administrative areas, editorial departments, research hubs, technical staff, and students; 3) particular experiences and challenges identified regarding the digitization of journals and the work of those responsible for them; 4) the state of governmental systems for scientific evaluation and their dialogue with academic editorial practice, as well as the internal arbitration processes within it and the proposal of solutions to avoid violations of research ethics in the reception of papers; and, finally, 5) copyright and its correspondence with appropriate Open Access to science.


  • Presentation
    Lucero Solís Ruiz Esparza
  • The potential of semantic publishing in the context of dissemination and citation
    Eduardo Alvarez López, Layla Michán Aguirre
  • The repositories of academic journals: considerations in their development under cooperation between editors and information professionals
    Saúl Armendáriz Sánchez, Minerva Castro Escamilla
  • Institutional collaborative exercise in the development of tools for Open Access journals
    Alejandra Casas Niño de Rivera, Deisy Alejandra Gómez Ascencio
  • The experience of Mexican journals in the forestry field in the international context of the 21st century
    Raymundo Dávalos Sotelo, Reyna Paula Zárate Morales
  • Impact of the scientific journal Entreciencias in the democratization of knowledge: challenges and reflections
    Javier de la Fuente Hernández, Adriana Martínez Martínez, Alondra Sangabriel Hernández
  • The utopia of the spiral.
    Center-periphery relations in the publishing world, experiences from the IEIPE journal
    Andrés Delgadillo Sánchez, Patricia Margarita Aguilar Palomo, Lilia María Vázquez Jaime
  • Analysis of the professionalization challenges of a scientific, electronic, Open Access, and recently created journal edited by a civil society: Transdigital
    Alexandro Escudero Nahón
  • The editor of scientific journals in the indexing process in CLASE and PERIÓDICA
    Manuel Alejandro Flores Chávez, Pablo Daniel Aparicio de la Rosa
  • Open Science in Latin America from the perspective of social media analysis and metrics
    Patricia Garrido Villegas
  • Fraud in the sciences: for the strengthening of scientific journals (promoting attitudes, practices, and scientific communities)
    Carlos Guerrero de Lizardi
  • Reflections and proposals from the editorial experience in academic journals of social sciences and humanities
    César Enrique Jiménez Yáñez, Carlos Antonio Romero Ramírez, Mario Alberto Magaña Mancillas
  • Proposal for a collaborative work tool based on the analysis of copyright and Open Access policies: the case of the University of Guadalajara journals
    Andrea López Mendoza
  • The presence of social media in educational research journals
    Armando Jesús Martínez Chacón, Juan Carlos Tejeda Smith, Karla Aguilar Pérez, Julio César Munguía Hernández, Ana Silvia Mota Velasco, Santa Margarita Pérez Arias, Beatriz Leal Rodríguez
  • Empowerment and collaboration in editorial work: an analysis and intervention from the historical-cultural theory of activity
    José Carlos Palacios Montoya, Gubisha Ruiz Morán
  • Challenges and prospects of digital tools for science communication: case study, the social media of scientific journals listed in the Index of Mexican Journals of Scientific and Technological Dissemination by CONACYT
    Arneth Pérez Jaimes, José Guillermo Aguirre Calderón
  • Diagnosis and participation as resources in the teaching of writing and editing scientific articles
    Luis Reyes Muro, Iliana Orozco Hernández, Francisco Guevara Hernández, Luis A. Rodríguez Larramendi, Dora Ma. Sangerman Jarquín
  • Editor-librarian. Methodological work proposal for a scientific and peer-reviewed journal
    Camelia Romero Millán, Rosalba Carrillo Fuentes
  • Methodological proposal for designing strategies in favor of the globalization of Mexican academic-scientific journals
    Helena Rivas López, Diana María Vidal Saldarriaga, Gabriela Ulloa García, Rocío Mayela Martínez González, Andrea Daniela Sánchez Pérez Cortés
  • Scientific communication under suspicion.
    How to analyze the process carried out by supposedly predatory journals?
    Jesús Segarra Saavedra, Miguel Túñez López
  • Paraguayan scientific journals and Open Access from the perspective of their editors
    Emilce Sena Correa, Alicia Duarte Caballero

Author Biographies

Eduardo Alvarez López

Master of Science graduate from the Department of Biomedical Innovation at CICESE. He currently collaborates as an associate editor of the peer-reviewed journal Economía Creativa and as a Crossref Sponsor in Mexico through Meta-datos.

Layla Michán Aguirre

Doctor and researcher graduated from the Faculty of Sciences at UNAM. Undergraduate and Graduate Professor, specialist in theories, methods, concepts, tools, and applications for information management, interested in processes such as structuring, retrieval, systematization, curation, analysis, and publication of digital scientific information. She currently heads the Bioinformatics Laboratory at the Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, specializing in investigating the dynamics, applications, and problems of biological literature, information, and knowledge.

Saúl Armendáriz Sánchez

Graduated with a bachelor's degree from the National School of Library Science and Archival Studies and completed master's level studies at the Graduate Division of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at UNAM. Coordinator of the Joint Library of Earth Sciences at UNAM. He works in research areas on science metrics, institutional repositories, and the history of libraries in Mexico. He supports metric studies for various academic journals from universities across the country. Awarded nationally with the "Library Service Award" for contributions to the development of services in information units of Higher Education Institutions in Mexico, and coordinator of the development of scientific data repositories for the National Seismological Service, Geothermal Energy in Mexico, Climate Change, and Historical Sources of Scientific Information.

Minerva Castro Escamilla

Graduated with a bachelor's degree from the National School of Library Science and Archival Studies and holds a master's degree from the Graduate Division of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at UNAM. Head of the Department of Electronic and Specialized Services at the Joint Library of Earth Sciences of UNAM. She is currently working on research topics related to institutional repositories, Open Science, and interlibrary collaboration. He supports metric studies for the journal Geofísica Internacional UNAM. Technical advisor in the development of scientific data repositories for the National Seismological Service, Geothermal Energy in Mexico, Climate Change, Scientific Production of CEIIH-UNAM, and Historical Sources of Scientific Information. Author of twenty-five documents and articles on bibliometric studies, institutional repositories, and information technologies. Advisor for sixteen undergraduate theses.

Alejandra Casas Niño de Rivera

She holds a degree in Communication from the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes and a Master's in Publishing from Simon Fraser University. She currently serves as the Communication Coordinator for the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), where she has been collaborating since 2021. Since 2017, she has collaborated with higher education institutions such as the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes and the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, as well as organizations like the National Council for the Teaching and Research of Communication Sciences (CONEICC), the Mexican Association of Communication Researchers (AMIC), and the Altexto Network, Academic and University Publishers of Mexico, in the design, technical editing, and implementation of Open Access editorial projects.

Deisy Alejandra Gómez Ascencio

She holds a degree in Computer Systems Engineering from the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. She works as an administrator in the Department of Networks and Telecommunications at the same university and is responsible for the administration of web services and server infrastructure.

Raymundo Dávalos Sotelo

He is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Ecology, A.C. His academic background is in Civil Engineering with a master's and doctorate in Forest Products Technology. He is the editor of the journal Madera y Bosques, indexed in the Mexican System for the Classification of Science and Technology Journals (SCRMCYT CONACYT-Mexico), in the Web of Science (JCR), and SCOPUS, among others. He is currently a member of the National System of Researchers: Level 1.

Reyna Paula Zárate Morales

Civil engineer from the Universidad Veracruzana with a master's degree in Structures from the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. She works in the Environment and Sustainability Network of the Institute of Ecology A.C. She is the technical editor of Madera y Bosques (1999-2004 and 2009 to date). She manages and produces the editorial content of the magazine and was responsible for the transition from the email management system to the OJS management system.

Javier de la Fuente Hernández

Doctor in Equity and Innovation in Education from the University of Oviedo, Spain. Recipient of the Dr. Margarita Chorné y Salazar Merit Award in Dentistry. Head of UESMA and Tenured Professor C at ENES León. He is SNI level 2 by CONACYT. Founder and director of the journal Entreciencias: Dialogues in the Knowledge Society at ENES León.

Adriana Martínez Martínez

Full Professor C and founder and editor-in-chief of Entreciencias, at UNAM León. Member of the SNI level 2, regular member of the AMC. Research lines: Industry 4.0 and digitalization, automotive industry, innovation capabilities. Winner of the 2005 National Labor Research Award. Coordinator of the events: Industry 4.0 Seminar and Technological Convergence (Sincotec 4.0) and the entrepreneurship event Talents and Innovation Forum (TIF).

Alondra Sangabriel Hernández

Bachelor's degree in Industrial Economics from the National School of Higher Studies, León Unit. She holds a diploma in "Soft Skills for Entrepreneurship and Innovation" from the same institution. He is part of the organizing committee for the Industry 4.0 and Technological Convergence Seminar. He is currently an editorial assistant for the scientific journal Entreciencias: Dialogues in the Knowledge Society and a lecturer in Subject A in the Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Economics at ENES León, UNAM.

Andrés Delgadillo Sánchez

Last degree obtained: Master's in History, Jaume I University of Castellón. Affiliation: State Institute for Research and Graduate Studies in Education. Coordination of Dissemination. Lines of research: Creativity, rock, and education. Epistemology of Creativity. Journal where he/she works: Espirales Educativas (editorial assistant).

Patricia Margarita Aguilar Palomo

Highest level of education: Master's in Education with a specialization in teaching at the Center for Advanced Pedagogical and Educational Studies of SLP (CAEPE). Affiliation: State Institute of Research and Graduate Studies in Education (IEIPE), academic coordinator. Research lines: Management (alumni tracking, tutoring, evidence portfolio, and new master's program in Pedagogical Practices in Diverse Contexts). Journal where she works: Espirales Educativas (secretary).

Lilia María Vázquez Jaime

Highest degree: PhD in Education, Atlantic International University. Affiliation: State Institute of Research and Graduate Studies in Education, faculty. Research lines: Didactics and current pedagogical practices. Journal where he/she works: Espirales Educativas (editorial board member).

Alexandro Escudero Nahón

PhD in Education from the University of Barcelona, Spain. He is part of the National System of Researchers (NSR) at Level 1 of the National Council of Humanities, Sciences, and Technologies of Mexico (CONACYT). He is a full-time research professor at the Faculty of Computer Science at the Autonomous University of Querétaro. He coordinates the Doctorate in Educational Technology at this university. He leads the Transdigital project, which is a civic initiative for the dissemination of science with three lines of work: Transdigital scientific journal, Transdigital Virtual Congress, and Transdigital Electronic Publishing. He is the coordinator of Thematic Area 18: Information and Communication Technologies and Education of the Mexican Council for Educational Research (COMIE). He coordinates the Transdigital Education Committee of the LaTE Mexico Network, which is a CONACYT Thematic Network. He is part of the Consolidated Academic Body "Educational Innovation and Technology" of the Ministry of Public Education of Mexico (SEP).

Manuel Alejandro Flores Chávez

He holds a degree in Library Science and Information Studies from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He works as an academic technician and head of the Latin American Bibliography Department, attached to the General Directorate of Libraries at UNAM. He has independently collaborated on cataloging, indexing, and content curation projects in the public sector (INFOTEC, IISUE-UNAM) and private sector (Enova), and has been a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at UNAM.

Pablo Daniel Aparicio de la Rosa

He holds a degree in Library Science and Information Studies from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He works as an academic technician in the Department of Latin American Bibliography, attached to the General Directorate of Libraries at UNAM. He has been the head of cataloging at UAM Iztapalapa and deputy director of the Library Science area at the Federal Telecommunications Institute. He also has extensive experience coordinating cataloging and document digitization teams.

Patricia Garrido Villegas

Master's in Data Science from the University of Alcalá de Henares, Spain. Since January 2010 to date (2020), she has been working as an editor of electronic journals in XML, coordinator of working groups, as well as a specialist in bibliometric reports at the SciELO-Mexico scientific library of the General Directorate of Libraries-National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Carlos Guerrero de Lizardi

PhD in Economics from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Professor at UNAM ( Member of the SNI. Measurement specialist. He was the director of Economic Research from issue 292 to 303, during which period the journal quintupled its impact factor in the JCR, and in the SJR it consolidated as Q3. An editorial improvement was the provision of the databases used and the statistical routines applied in the published articles. Investigación Económica joined the "Replication Network," being the only journal published in Spanish affiliated with it. He is currently an associate editor of the Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance.

César Enrique Jiménez Yáñez

Chilean. PhD in Sociocultural Studies from the Autonomous University of Baja California. Affiliated with the Institute of Cultural Research-Museum (UABC). Research lines: the political economy of communication, discourse analysis, academic writing, and sociocultural studies. Editorial coordinator of the magazine Culturales.

Carlos Antonio Romero Ramírez

Paraguayan. PhD in Global Development Studies from the Autonomous University of Baja California. Affiliated with the Institute of Cultural Research-Museum of UABC. Research lines: social spaces and the impact of natural phenomena, as well as international migrations in Latin America. Director of the magazine Culturales.

Mario Alberto Magaña Mancillas

Mexican. PhD in Social Sciences from El Colegio de Michoacán. Affiliated with the Institute for Cultural Research-Museum of the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC). Research lines: social, cultural, and demographic history of human groups in the central area of the Californias, 18th and 19th centuries; history of regional identities in northwest Mexico, 19th-20th centuries. Former director of the magazine Culturales.

Andrea López Mendoza

Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from the University of Guadalajara. Teacher at the Wixárika High School of the same institution.

Armando Jesús Martínez Chacón

Biologist from the Universidad Veracruzana (UV) and Doctor in Ecology and Natural Resource Management from the Instituto de Ecología A. C. (INECOL-CONAHCYT) and affiliated with the Instituto de Neuroetología (UV) He has sixty original publications in indexed international journals, fifteen book chapters, and outreach articles in journals listed in the CONACYT registry. Participation in seventy national and international conferences and has delivered eighty educational experiences in Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate programs on Biostatistics, Advanced Models, and Multivariate Statistics. He has been the director of 52 undergraduate, master's, and doctoral theses, and the technical manager of CONACYT projects. He develops research lines in Functional Ecology and Interactions, Behavioral Ecology, and active multidisciplinary collaboration with researchers from INECOL, UAM, UNAM, UV, and CICESE-CONACYT. . Evaluator of fomix projects, Sectoral Funds, and Doctoral and Postdoctoral Projects abroad CONACYT . Member of the scientific committee of journals and reviewer in nineteen Journals (sjr) . Judge in 53 undergraduate, master's, and doctoral examination committees (UV, UAM, UAT, UNAM), and has given twenty-six lectures Member of the National System of Researchers Level I 2004-2024, desirable PRODEP profile 2004-2024, and part of the core group of the Master's in Neuroethology and Doctorate in Biomedical Sciences (UV) CONAHCY registry. T. Email:, orcid: 0000-0002-1248-251 6.

Juan Carlos Tejeda Smith

Directorate of Normal Education, Secretariat of Education of Veracruz.

Karla Aguilar Pérez

Directorate of Normal Education, Secretariat of Education of Veracruz.

Julio César Munguía Hernández

Directorate of Normal Education, Secretariat of Education of Veracruz.

Ana Silvia Mota Velasco

Directorate of Normal Education, Secretariat of Education of Veracruz.

Santa Margarita Pérez Arias

Directorate of Normal Education, Secretariat of Education of Veracruz.

Beatriz Leal Rodríguez

Directorate of Normal Education, Secretariat of Education of Veracruz.

José Carlos Palacios Montoya

José Carlos Palacios Montoya ( holds a PhD in Psychology from the University of Guadalajara (Mexico). His research lines are health care and psychosocial intervention with people suffering from a chronic illness as well as with older adults. SNI candidate. He is currently doing a postdoctoral stay at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes.

Gubisha Ruiz Morán

She holds a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Communication Design and a Master's degree in Design and Editorial Production, both awarded by the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Xochimilco Unit. She has worked as an editor on various projects for the Ministry of Public Education, the Government of Mexico City, the Autonomous Metropolitan University, the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, and the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She collaborated in the General Directorate of Dissemination and Linkage at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes as the Technical Secretary of the Academic Journals Network of the institution. Currently, she serves as Head of the Editorial Section in the Directorate of Publications and Editorial Promotion at the General Rectory of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. She is a member of the organizing committee of the Permanent Seminar of Editors and part of the Spanish documentation group of the Public Knowledge Project (PKP).

Arneth Pérez Jaimes

She holds a degree in Communication from the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, with a focus on political communication; a master's degree in Advertising and Marketing from the University for Strategic Professionalization; and is currently pursuing a Diploma in Basic Teaching Competencies at CIIDET, part of the National Technological Institute of Mexico. She is currently a teacher-researcher at the Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Villa Guerrero, where she teaches courses in Digital Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Organizational Development, and Corporate Communication. She has developed in the public and private sectors thanks to the various courses she has participated in, such as image design, political-electoral strategies, among others. She was part of conventional and digital media, as the host of biographical television and radio programs. She is the General Director of the Political-Advertising Consultancy AyM Consultores, where she has managed various social media accounts for public figures and private entities.

José Guillermo Aguirre Calderón

He holds a degree in Communication, with a specialization in Political Communication from the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, and a master's degree in Administration and Public Policies from the Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato. He holds a Diploma in Senior Management from the University for Strategic Professionalization and a Diploma in Municipal Government and Public Administration, as well as one in Urban Development and Municipal Land Use Planning, both from INAFED; he completed the Scientific Journalism Workshop taught by COMECYT. He serves as the Head of Social Communication at the Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Villa Guerrero and as a part-time lecturer at the middle, higher, and postgraduate levels in various institutions in the southern region of the State of Mexico. He has seventeen years in the media, taking charge of various news segments, in addition to being a Community Manager for public and private institutions.

Luis Reyes Muro

Agricultural Engineer, graduated from ITA 20 in Aguascalientes, with a Master's in Science and a PhD in Rural Development Studies from the College of Postgraduates. With more than 45 years of experience in research in the fields of Socioeconomics, Transfer, and Adoption of Agricultural and Forestry Technology. He joined the Pabellón Experimental Field - INIA (predecessor of INIFAP) in 1978. He has published 36 scientific articles, 10 books, and 16 chapters. Collaborator on a patent for a versatile seed drill. Directed theses: 5 master's and 3 bachelor's. Production of 2 technical agendas, 70 abstracts at scientific congresses, 45 technical brochures, 50 video capsules. Instructor of courses on agricultural and forestry technology, as well as the preparation of scientific articles. Organizer of 17 annual scientific meetings since 2007. Chairman of the Editorial Committee, referee for national scientific journals and international journals, evaluator of research projects, and is level 1 of the SNI. He obtained 1st place in the National Award "Diputado Francisco J. Múgica," awarded by the H. Chamber of Deputies in 2017, for the book titled Scientific-Social Bases on Sustainable Agricultural Systems: An Alternative for Marginalized Areas. Support for the State Policy for Sustainable Rural Development and Food Sovereignty in Mexico. Director of Demand Linkage at INIFAP, currently Director of Coordination and Linkage in Aguascalientes.

Iliana Orozco Hernández

Doctor in Sociological Sciences, master's in Community Cultural Development, and a degree in Art History. Assistant Professor and Associate Researcher. Popular Educator. Specialist in cultural work, curation, and art criticism. Linked to scientific research as part of the Research Group of the Casa de la Nacionalidad Cubana, (1992-1997) and (2004-2014), a historical and sociocultural research center of the roots and expressions of Cuban nationality. She was part of the Territorial Project "The Community in Cultural Practices of Cuban Society" at the Central University of Las Villas, Cuba. Her main results in this field have been linked to architecture, local and regional cultural identity, the city, the representation of the local in the discourse of the visual arts, the methodological foundations for the study of the community and the artistic field. Visiting professor for an academic stay at the Autonomous University of Chiapas, Mexico (2016), where she also served as a Professor of Research Methodology at the Institute of Higher Studies of the Southeast (iess) and the Mesoamerican University Center (cum). Professor of Typologies of Heritage Architecture at the Escuela Taller of the Office of the Historian of Bayamo, Granma, Cuba. She currently works as the coordinator of the Librería-Editorial Mecenas project at Editorial Verbum in Spain.

Francisco Guevara Hernández

He completed his doctoral studies at Wageningen University, with a master's degree from the College of Postgraduates and an undergraduate degree from the Autonomous University of Chapingo. Since 2008, he has been a full-time tenured professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Autonomous University of Chiapas (UNACH) and a member of the Consolidated Academic Body in Livestock Agroforestry (CAAP)-SEP. Specialist in Agroecology, Natural Resources, and Extension Services. He develops action-research lines: Training in protected natural areas, Traditional agroecosystems, and Monitoring and evaluation of processes. He has coordinated national and international projects with components of extension and action-research. Member of the National System of Researchers-CONACYT since 2010, currently at level II. He has published more than 150 scientific articles in indexed journals, books, and book chapters. He serves as an area editor and reviewer for international scientific journals, is part of scientific networks and societies, and leads two thematic interdisciplinary research groups in Latin America. He is a member of the Academic Networks of the Doctorate in Agricultural Sciences and Sustainability (DOCAS) and the Master's in Tropical Agricultural Production Sciences (MCPAT) recognized by the SNP-CONACYT, and an undergraduate professor in the educational programs: Agro-environmental Development, Environmental Livestock, and Agronomy. He has graduated more than 60 students from these undergraduate and graduate programs. He has delivered lectures and training courses for various stakeholders in the agricultural sector in more than 20 countries. He is a consultant and advisor for development agencies and NGOs in Europe, the United States of America, Latin America, and the Caribbean. For his academic work, he has received several awards and distinctions both in Mexico and abroad. Currently, he is also a member of the H. Board of Governors of UNACH.

Luis A. Rodríguez Larramendi

He obtained the degree of Doctor in Agricultural Sciences from the Agrarian University of Havana, Cuba, as a result of ecophysiological research on coffee cultivation and the title of Senior Researcher awarded by the Academy of Sciences of Cuba. He currently serves as a Full-Time Research Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Villa Corzo Campus, in the Agroforestry Engineering program and the Master's in Agroforestry Sciences. He is a member of the State System of Science and Technology of the State of Chiapas (ICTIECH) and the National System of Researchers (SNI-CONACYT) Level I. He serves as the Academic Coordinator of the Agroforestry Engineering Educational Program at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas (UNICACH). He has pursued postgraduate studies in the Netherlands and the College of Postgraduates of Mexico. He has published more than 60 scientific articles in national and international indexed journals, as well as several books and book chapters. He holds the category of Desirable Profile from the Secretariat of Higher Education of Mexico (SEP) and is a member of the Academic Body in Agroforestry and Rural Development Consolidation and the Basic Academic Core of the Master's in Agroforestry Sciences. His Line of Generation and Application of Knowledge (LGAC) is related to the eco-physiological responses of plants to stress environments and their relationship with climate change, as well as the analysis of sustainable agro-productive systems and evolutionary ecology.

Dora Ma. Sangerman Jarquín

Doctor of Science from the College of Postgraduates in Agricultural Sciences-Campus Puebla, with a specialization in Strategies for Regional Agricultural Development. Editor-in-chief of the Mexican Journal of Agricultural Sciences (REMEXCA) at INIFAP. She is the author of more than 50 publications: scientific articles, book chapters, proceedings from national and international conferences, technical brochures, and materials for producers. She has participated in the supervision of 42 undergraduate, master's, and doctoral theses. He has edited books for the Chamber of Deputies, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), National Council of Humanities, Science and Technology (CONAHCYT), National Institute of Forestry, Agricultural and Livestock Research (INIFAP), Chapingo Autonomous University (UACH), Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEM). Member of the CONACYT registry of accredited evaluators (RCEA) in area 5 'social and economic sciences'. Evaluator of universities in the National Program of Quality Graduate Studies (PNPC) of the National Council of Science and Technology and the Undersecretariat of Higher Education of the Ministry of Public Education continuously since 2009. Instructor of 47 courses on scientific article writing. National System of Researchers, level 1. Contact information: Experimental Field Valle de México-inifap Los Reyes-Texcoco Highway, km 13.5 Coatlinchan, Texcoco, State of Mexico, CP. 56250. Tel. 55 38 71 87 00, Ext. 85353.

Camelia Romero Millán

Doctor in Library Science and Information Studies from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She is currently a bibliographer at the Daniel Cosío Villegas Library of El Colegio de México for the Center for Sociological Studies (editorial center of the journal Estudios Sociológicos) and the Center for Gender Studies. She is a specialist in documentary sources for gender studies. He coordinated the digital collection of Gender in Mexico. Sources for its History, particularly from magazines written by women in the 19th and 20th centuries, and the virtual exhibition "Cultural, Literary, and Academic Magazines of Feminism and Gender Studies in Mexico: A Showcase."

Rosalba Carrillo Fuentes

Editor with over 31 years of experience in commercial, cultural, and academic books and magazines. For twelve years, she has specialized in scientific and peer-reviewed journals. She is currently the academic editor of the journal Estudios Sociológicos de El Colegio de México. She is a founding member of the Network of Editors of Scientific and Peer-Reviewed Journals of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and other institutions. Promoter of the professionalization of the editor.

Helena Rivas López

Master's in Innovation for Business Development from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM). Water technologist at the Mexican Institute of Water Technology. Research lines: editing; accessibility; innovation; equality and gender. Editorial coordinator of Technology and Water Sciences and editor of Agua Simple.

Diana María Vidal Saldarriaga

Master in Innovation for Business Development from ITESM. Manager of Research and Development for Mexico, Andean Region, and Central America and the Caribbean at Avery Dennison, S. A. de C. V. Research lines: production, quality, and R&D&I areas.

Gabriela Ulloa García

Master's in Innovation for Business Development from ITESM. Talent Development Business Partner at Bring IT, Guadalajara office. Lines of research: talent development, LMS, competencies, skill sets, development and structuring of internal programs.

Rocío Mayela Martínez González

Master's in Innovation for Business Development from ITESM. Coordinator of Human Resources Services and Operations at Johnson & Johnson. Research areas: human resources, services, and operations.

Andrea Daniela Sánchez Pérez Cortés

Master's in Innovation for Business Development from ITESM. Hubspot CRM Administrator, Adaptavist. Lines of research: human resources.

Jesús Segarra Saavedra

Extraordinary Doctorate Award (2019), PhD in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising (2016), and Bachelor's degree in Advertising and Public Relations (2005) from the University of Alicante (UA). Associate Professor in the Department of Communication and Social Psychology at UA (Bachelor's in Advertising and Public Relations and official Master's in Communication and Creative Industries –Comincrea–). Postdoctoral researcher in the groups "Communication and Specific Audiences" (Compubes) at UA and "Communication and Digital Society" (Coysodi) at UNIR, among others. Co-editor of Mediterranean Journal of Communication, co-editor of IROCAMM (International Review of Communication and Marketing Mix), associate editor of Health and Addictions Journal (INID of UMH), as well as a member of the scientific committee of Latin Journal of Social Communication (2013-); AE-IC Journal (2018-); Miguel Hernández Communication Journal (2021-), and Andean Journal of Creativity, Culture, and Communication (2022-). He is also Co-Director of the editorial collection Mundo Digital, present in the Scholarly Publishers Indicators spi 2022 (Communication). Member of AE-IC, PLATCOM, SLCS, RELAIP, and RIdHC.

Miguel Túñez López

PhD in Journalism from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He is currently a tenured professor of Organizational Communication and Communication Strategies and Plans in the Department of Communication Sciences at the University of Santiago de Compostela. In addition, he is an advisor and professor for various European and Latin American organizations and universities on communication management processes and plans. He has been part of the Novos Medios Research Group at USC since December 2007. He is the author of more than a hundred reports, articles, and books on communication. He was the Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at USC (2004-2009). He has been the director of the International Doctoral School in Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Law at USC. He is currently the deputy director of the International Doctoral School of USC, EDIUS (coordinator of the Social and Legal Sciences area). He is a National Journalism Award winner and a member, among others, of the Spanish Association for Communication Research (AE-IC), the Spanish Society of Journalism (SEP), the Latin Society of Social Communication (SLCS), and the Latin Platform of Communication Journals (PLATCOM).

Emilce Sena Correa

Ph.D. in Documentation from Carlos III University of Madrid. Researcher and Coordinator of the Information Science Research Group at the Polytechnic Faculty of the National University, Paraguay. Research Areas: Scientific Communication–Bibliometrics–Higher Education–ALFIN.

Alicia Duarte Caballero

Master's in Information Sciences from the National University of Asunción. Researcher in the Information Science Research Group at the Polytechnic Faculty of the National University, Paraguay. Research lines: Bibliometrics–Scientific Journals.

portada la ciencia abierta en la edición académica



October 3, 2024
