WHAT DOES A LINGUIST DO? : An introduction for zombies


Blanca Elena Sanz Martin


The difficulty implied in the question "what does a linguist do?" "lies in the fact that there are often a series of false beliefs surrounding the object of study of Linguistics." Many believe it is limited to writing well or speaking correctly, which is far from reality. d. Likewise, it is often believed that the job market for those who study Linguistics is limited to teaching Spanish and that there is nothing more. That idea is very far from reality, as this work also addresses. ra.
That's why this book aims to demystify some of these beliefs and clarify the subject matter of the discipline. The book is organized around the questions that often cause confusion among those who are not familiar with the work of a linguist. The book is organized around the questions that often cause confusion among those who are not familiar with the work of a linguist.
At the same time, the work can serve as a brief introduction for those who want to have a general overview of Linguistics. At the same time, the work can serve as a brief introduction for those who want to have an overview of Linguistics.

portada ¿qué hace un lingüista?



June 24, 2024