ECHOES OF THE SNAIL: Texts of La Cofradía
In 1994, La Cofradía was born, formed by a group of people who chose a frank and generous, creative and joyful company. The name was chosen playfully, alluding to Christian brotherhoods or medieval guilds. Initially, the purpose of La Cofradía was to gather to participate in the world of arts, now, after a quarter of a century, the members of the group also come together to celebrate life, which is wonderful.
This anthology brings together voices with a diversity of themes, styles, and genres that allow for a flexible and suggestive approach; it integrates 42 authors, 42 voices, 42 universes that move with playful and creative imagination. Those who write here know themselves to be historical heirs of thousands and thousands of voices, and they project themselves with courage and dreams towards an uncertain and challenging future, perhaps desiring...
MembersFirst generation
Rafael Francisco Aguilar Lomelí
Juan Manuel Aranda Mata
Jaime Arteaga Novoa, “Jaime de Lucía”
Luis Avelar González
Rolando Bernal Acevedo
Rómulo Bernal Acevedo
Salvador Camacho Sandoval
Alejandro Collazo
Adán Contreras Alonso
Mario Cruz Palomino
Juan Carlos Delgado López
Derly Estrada Dávila
Javier García Zapata
J. Jesús González Rivas
Zeus Hamlet Guerra Armas
Rogelio Guerra Espinoza
José de Jesús Gutiérrez Romo
Elías Lomelí Llamas
María Gabriela Méndez Parga
Gustavo Meza Medina, “Gustavo de Victoria”
Víctor Moreno Ramos
Abel Oliva Mares
Armando Quiroz Benítez
José Ramírez Oliva
Demetrio Rodríguez Orozco
Fortino Valdivia Magdaleno
MembersSecond generation
Armando Alonso de Alba
Efraín Alcalá López
María Magdalena Aranda Delgado
Fátima Aranda Montoya
Manuel de Jesús Ávila Villareal
Karla Andrea Camino Gutiérrez
Jesús Consuelo Tamayo
José de la Torre Alcocer
Nathalia F. Jaramillo
J. Trinidad Guerrero Castorena
Julio M. Llanes
Carmen Lucía Meza Martínez
J. Brigitte Nájera
Caleb Olvera Romero
Claudia Patricia Quezada Rodríguez
Claudia Soraya Rodríguez Reyes


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