CIVILITY, GOOD MANNERS AND EDUCATION: Between Christian morality, secularization and the tendencies of uniformization in Aguascalientes, 1865-1914
Urbanity, good manners and education. Entre la moral cristiana, la secularización y las tendencias de uniformización en Aguascalientes, 1865-1914 tries to answer the questions: which manuals and textbooks did public and private schools have to teach classes related to morality, civility, Christian doctrine, political and civics, which instances monitored the compliance of teaching according to the programs, what was the impact of these manuals and books in society, how much resistance was there, what were the trends, changes and permanence of educational policies in that period, and what were the trends, changes and permanence of educational policies in that period? After carefully exploring laws, regulations and reports on public instruction in Aguascalientes, as well as the curricula related to the subjects of these topics in the different educational levels: kindergarten, elementary, high school, normal, professional, it is noticed that they sought the duty to be of the students, at the same time that the directors, mentors, teachers and assistants had an impeccable reputation and gave a respectful treatment to the students. The provisions even covered parents, who were obliged to send their children to school and where the school police were implemented to ensure that children did not wander the streets and squares during school hours.
It is concluded, therefore, that there was a clear process of secularization in education towards the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, but with strong religious substrates of Christian values. It is difficult to assess the impact on society and families of the topics on morality and civility contained in the manuals and books (by French, Spanish, Venezuelan and Mexican authors), since there are also documented cases of complete failure. Undoubtedly, a pending agenda. Thus, there is still much to reflect on and resolve, since many of these problems transcend to the present day.


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