
Alejandro Acosta Collazo; Filiberto Adrián Moreno; Ernesto Miranda Méndez; Olga Guadalupe Vera Díaz; Celia Torres Muhech; Lucía Muñoz Castañón; David Martínez Chávez; Natalia Olvera Miranda; Leticia Arista Castillo; Rebeca Villalobos Ruiz; Pere Colomer I Roma; Miguel Enrique Navarro Rossell; Miguel Alejandro García Macías; José Humberto Flores Castro; Claudia Paulette Escalona Muñoz; Jorge Carlos Parga Ramírez; Manuela Mattone; Jaime Javier Loredo Zamarrón; Juan Carlos Aguilar Aguilar; Evangelina Tapia Tovar; Daniel Acosta Ruiz; Fernando Padilla Lozano; Marco Antonio Acero Varela; Rodrigo Franco Muñoz; Victor Moreno Ramos; Héctor Gustavo Pérez Guerrero; Sara Elizabeth Flores Fernández; Nadia Iveth Arias Orozco; Claudia Geraldine Guillén Hernández; Alejandro García Navarro; Alejandro Isabel Galván Arellano; Adrián Moreno Mata; Omar Parra Rodríguez; Moisés Barrera Sánchez; Marco Alejandro Sifuentes Solís; Leonardo Andrés Moreno Toledano; Erika Rogel Villalba; Lourdes Marcela López Mares; Joel Hernández Martínez; Edith Estefanía Orenday Tapia; Jesús Pacheco Martínez; Lara Carral Martín; Alejandro Meza de Luna; Diego Humberto Frías Guzmán; Martín Hernández Marín; Lilia Guerrero Martínez


In the realm of academic debate, the fundamental challenge in studying habitat and the city lies in the fact that the intentions, trends, and theories related to both concepts refer us to various disciplinary fields. Moreover, they are polysemic concepts, meaning they have multiple meanings, and therefore, they are difficult to define precisely and generally as scientific categories.

Regarding the concept of the built habitat, its approach shifts to problems of an anthropological, sociological, and cultural nature, including the discussion of physical and symbolic places. The concept of habitat is used by biologists and ecologists with one meaning, while architects, urban planners, and other related disciplines use it from an anthropocentric perspective.


  • Introduction
    Alejandro Acosta Collazo, Filiberto Adrián Moreno
  • Section 1.
  • Heritage in law and in fact: the case of Fresnillo, Zac.
    Ernesto Miranda Méndez
  • Spring Fair, intangible cultural heritage of Jerez, Zac., a sustainable phenomenon?
    Olga Guadalupe Vera Díaz, Celia Torres Muhech, Lucía Muñoz Castañón
  • Experience and perception of religious architectural space through sacred music of the novohispanic period in the city of San Luis Potosi.
    David Martínez Chávez
  • Evaluation of museum resources in San Luis Potosí.
    The case of the Federico Silva Museum
    Natalia Olvera Miranda, Leticia Arista Castillo
  • The perception of urban space in historic centers.
    Álvaro Obregón Street in San Luis Potosí
    Leticia Arista Castillo, Rebeca Villalobos Ruiz
  • Recovering industrial Barcelona: heritage and memory
    Pere Colomer I Roma
  • Railway infrastructure as a trigger for new spaces and the reconfiguration of the rural environment in the Bajío region of Guanajuato.
    Miguel Enrique Navarro Rossell, Alejandro Acosta Collazo
  • Industrial Revolution and the relations between the cities of Aguascalientes and San Luis Potosí from the point of view of the press in Aguascalientes.
    The case of the railroad repair shops and the Gran Fundición Central Mexicana
    Miguel Alejandro García Macías, Alejandro Acosta Collazo
  • The values of industrial heritage as a background for its protection: the case of the proaño mining complex in Fresnillo, Zacatecas.
    José Humberto Flores Castro
  • Methodological comparison and proposal in the approach to industrial mining heritage
    Claudia Paulette Escalona Muñoz, Alejandro Acosta Collazo
  • The Calles Dam and the agricultural town of Pabellón: infrastructure, heritage and interdisciplinary study
    Alejandro Acosta Collazo, Jorge Carlos Parga Ramírez, Marco Alejandro Sifuentes Solís
  • Conservation and enhancement of hydroelectric heritage
    Manuela Mattone
  • Section 2.
  • Inter- and transdisciplinarity in urban design and management: A view from the habitat sciences.
    Jaime Javier Loredo Zamarrón, Juan Carlos Aguilar Aguilar
  • “If there is no work, there is no surplus”.
    Daily corruption in the construction industry
    Evangelina Tapia Tovar
  • Public space as a fundamental tool for the creation of the right to the city
    Daniel Acosta Ruiz, Fernando Padilla Lozano
  • The urban landscape in three popular subdivisions in the city of Aguascalientes
    Marco Antonio Acero Varela, Rodrigo Franco Muñoz
  • The environment of physical culture, recreational and sports spaces in the schools of Aguascalientes
    Victor Moreno Ramos, Héctor Gustavo Pérez Guerrero, Sara Elizabeth Flores Fernández
  • Inclusive architecture.
    Reflections from a spatial and social quality perspective
    Nadia Iveth Arias Orozco, Claudia Geraldine Guillén Hernández
  • Accessibility of people with motor disabilities in urban mobility in the city of Irapuato, Gto.
    Rodrigo Franco Muñoz, Alejandro García Navarro
  • The historic city of Aguascalientes and its public space for coexistence
    Rodrigo Franco Muñoz
  • The conformation of a pedestrian axis as a relation of urban symbols.
    An experience in the historic center of San Luis Potosi
    Alejandro Isabel Galván Arellano
  • Globalization and local development: The automotive cluster in Villa de Reyes, San Luis Potosí
    Adrián Moreno Mata, Omar Parra Rodríguez
  • Section 3.
  • Proprioception in architectural design
    Moisés Barrera Sánchez, Marco Alejandro Sifuentes Solís
  • Design research and its involvement as an agent of change in the human environment: a non-unidisciplinary approach to topophilia
    Leonardo Andrés Moreno Toledano, Erika Rogel Villalba
  • Spatial modifications in the housing unit ciudad 2000, San Luis Potosi, S.L.P
    Lourdes Marcela López Mares, Joel Hernández Martínez
  • Proposal of a methodology for the characterization of masonry of historic buildings using non-destructive in situ seismic methods.
    The case of the temple of San Antonio de Padua
    Edith Estefanía Orenday Tapia, Jesús Pacheco Martínez
  • Alternative cements to Portland cement, the unsustainability of the perfect material
    Lara Carral Martín
  • Plastic fibers from urban waste, an alternative for concrete reinforcement?
    Alejandro Meza de Luna
  • Comparative analysis of the tensile strength of undisturbed and disturbed soil samples
    Diego Humberto Frías Guzmán, Martín Hernández Marín
  • Hydrodynamic behavior of the Aguascalientes valley aquifer: evaluation of natural recharge.
    Martín Hernández Marín, Lilia Guerrero Martínez



December 18, 2020